MAXDAC is a library for interfacing with MAX520/MAX521 Digital-Analog converters (DACs). It utilizes the Arduino's I2C connection to communicate commands to the chip.
The library is fairly simple, but contains all the commands that can be used with this chip, and (I think) is fairly easy to use.
The download (below) contains all the library files, as well as an example that demonstrates the proper syntax and formatting for the MAX520/1.
I hope you like it, and please leave a message if you have any questions or comments!
This is a great post. Using these digital pots can save a lot of circuity for analog controls.
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I need to interface some gauges and a motion system in my sim that requires -10 to +10 signal voltage. There is software to interface the Arduino Mega to Flight Simulator X but I need something to communicate with an appropriate DAC connected to the Arduino. If interested i would pay you for your time.
boeingsim at
I just made a fork of this at - the intent being to support more recent Arduino toolsets as well as ATtiny parts via the Adafruit version of TinyWireM library.
Please feel free to pull back anything you find of use :)
This post is full of useful information! Check this tutorial to know how to interface LM35 and Arduino.
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